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Be more organised in 2022 - automate your task list

When was the last time you made a New Year’s resolution? 

For many small businesses, the challenges of the last couple of years have been enough to keep us all busy, so it's no small wonder that we're not in a hurry to add more objectives to the list.

But the new year is a new beginning and the Rowdens' team hopes it brings you health, wealth, and happiness.

By making positive changes in our personal lives, we can help our business life too. While you set your personal goals this year, it’s worth setting some goals for the health of your business too. If you are a business owner, this is often the time of year when you reflect on where you are at and think about your business goals for the year ahead.

These could be lofty goals, or even setting out a plan to achieve some more mundane (but equally important) projects. Whether that is getting paid faster, reassessing expenses, or bigger things like automation of processes and new markets. If you are compiling a list of goals, how are you going to keep them front and centre? Will you have forgotten them all by Easter?

We're liking this article by Zapier which offers a list of apps to help with task management - personal or professional - The 8 best to-do list apps of 2022. Have a scroll down and see if any could help you be that little bit more organised this year.

Zapier's tried and tested task management tools

The guys at Zapier have done all the hard work for us and researched the best 'to-do' apps. This list is a compilation of those they felt were ideal for various use cases.

Todoist for balancing power and simplicity

TickTick for embedded calendars and timers

Microsoft To Do for Microsoft power users (and Wunderlist refugees)

Things for elegant design

OmniFocus for specific organisational systems

Habitica for making doing things fun

Google Tasks for Google power users for people who forget to use to-do apps

Other options, including project management apps, note-taking applications, and other tools that can do the job.

Need some advice?

If you would like more help on automating some tasks, please get in touch with the lovely team at Rowdens who will be only too pleased to help you.

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